Portal Rules Of Use

Whoever accesses and uses this website will be considered a user. By merely using this Website, the user accepts all the conditions of use.

General Rules

It is prohibited to publish on this website, on our blogs and other participation tools any content that may undermine the following principles:

  • The safeguarding of public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defence.
  • The protection of public health and of the health and well-being of persons with the status of consumers and users.
  • Respect for human dignity and the observance of non-discrimination on the basis of race, gender, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance.
  • The protection of children and young people.
  • Respect for the autonomy of the will of the person affected.
  • Respect for the intellectual property of the material published. In general, respect for the law.

Specific Rules

The user accepts responsibility for the use of the portal. This responsibility extends to any registration that may be necessary to access certain services or contents. The user is responsible for providing truthful and lawful information during the registration process.

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services offered by the domain owner through the website and of the participation tools, inter alia, and also undertakes not to use them for:

  • Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of the data controller, their suppliers or third parties; introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical system that is likely to cause damage.
  • Trying to access and, if necessary, use the e-mail accounts of other users and modify or tamper with their messages.
  • The data controller reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions that violate the respect for human dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist or pornographic, that threaten people, especially children and young people, order or public safety or that are not deemed suitable for publication at the discretion of the controller.
  • In any event, the controller is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the users through the forums, chats, or other participation tools.

Use of Passwords.

To access certain content, it is necessary to enter a user code and password. If you do not have one, you can request one at montsia@hotelmontsia.es We inform you that passwords are personal and non-transferable. The user is solely responsible for any consequences that may arise from the use of their password. For any incident regarding passwords, you can montsia@hotelmontsia.es